
Let's meet the new Zazzle

We imagine the future of Zazzle as a platform for users to access an array of tools that serve to inspire and enable creative endeavors. Keeping in mind different user capabilities and motivations to create, we have introduced an additional tool, integrated into a reorganized system architecture, to tackle the difficulties of brainstorming and optimize for fluidity in creative processes.

Zazzle Play sits at the equilibrium of structure and fluidity, helping to spark creative ideas and bring them to fruition.

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What business value do we provide?

Customer Retention

High-quality outputs lead to higher user satisfaction and confidence

Expand User Base

Increased platform exposure through Teamwhirl collaboration opportunities

Increase in sales

Simplify the process of placing designs on physical products

Targeted Marketing

Opportunity for a more personalized experience and targeted advertisements

Introducing Build & Browse

The creative tools such as Zazzle Create and Zazzle Live are the advantages that set them apart from their competitors. However, current Zazzle prioritize Marketplace and makes it to be product-driven. As a result, users build a fixed mental schema of how they navigate through Zazzle, and if they couldn’t find the product that satisfies their goals, there is no need/desire to explore beyond what they are comfortable with. The creative tools become hidden gems.

To acquaint a user with the concept of Build & Browse as soon as they arrive at Zazzle and prioritize creative tools, we redesigned the landing page to explicitly differentiate the two modes and encourage for a more fluid exploration.

Launching a reimagined landing page

The new landing page helps users digest the myriad of possibilities on Zazzle by segmenting the tools based on user's goals. The galactic design seeks to inspire feelings of curiosity and exploration.


  • Prioritization of creative tools
  • Flexibility of exploration
  • Promotion of action-first
  • Goal-oriented user experience

Introducing Zazzle Play

Everyone is capable of creativity, and with Play, users can realize their own potential and explore the possibility of ideas to unlock the creativity they’ve always had.  The main goal of play is to help people get started. Play helps lower barriers of creativity. These barriers can be internal, such as doubting one’s own capabilities, and can also be external, such as failing to find “right” inspiration. Going through each activity in Play increases confidence by making clear and conscious progress towards the end goal.

What is Teamwhirl?

A collective brainstorming session for a group of individuals creating towards a common goal by engaging in fun and humorous tasks.

User Input:

  • Answer a series of fun questions with teammates & save favorite responses for inspirations of creative tools

Activity Ouput:

  • Use suggested elements to create by oneself or with the team based on the saved responses

User benefits from collaborative brainstorming

Gain new perspectives

A variety of perspectives from collaborators' responses serve as relevant inspiration.

Referential starting point

Saved responses are used as filters to bring relevant content at the start, and throughout the process.

Flexible output

Collaborators have the option to engage as little or as much as they want to.

What is Time Trinkets?

An easy way to create digital assets for someone by remembering one’s fondest memories.

User Input:

  • Respond to prompts that helps walk user down the memory lane by uploading photos, videos, recording, drawings and etc.

Activity Ouput:

  • A couple of ready-to-use digital assets and an interactive card for the receiver that highlights memories between giver/receiver.

User benefits from collaborative brainstorming

Ready-to-use assets

Create ready-to-use assets by a quick upload of photos, videos, audios and free-handed drawing.

Inspiration through memories

Prompt questions evoke nostalgia through memory recollection which is a powerful form of inspiration.

Low-effort & high-quality outputs

Polished digital assets are organized into a ready-to-send interactive card

Seamless integration of Play through design

Since Play seeks to tackle the challenges encountered early in creative processes, there is an opportunity to guide users to other Build tools: Create and Live. Not only do we want to allow users to switch to other tools should they desire extra customization or extra help, but we also want to preserve the outputs (of any fidelity) to be transported throughout the creative process.

The new navigation bar

The redesign of navigation bar allows users to be flexible of workspace and tools according to their project goals

  • Reorganizing tools in one accessible place
  • Retractable for more workspace
  • Rebranding the interface as a creative platform

Optimized for Zazzle tools

  • Allows access to steps in Play activities
  • Maintains integrity of Create toolbar
  • Presents relevant information for Live sessions

Access all the tools in one place

  • Toggle effortlessly between the Build & Browse modes
  • Switch between the desired tools with the mode
  • Take a break and pick back up at any time

Saving assets across tools

If Zazzle Play helps people get a jump start, their creations should be accessed freely across different tools.

The saved assets feature does not only encourage fluidity between tools, but can also be new inspirations for future projects

Envisioning the future of Zazzle

Product Roadmap

We indentified a suitable product roadmap for Zazzle bundling our solution into 3 important releases in the course of next 16-20 months.

The launch of Build & Browse at first is the earliest and easiest shift to a brand of creative platform. Followed by that, the next release is the launch of Zazzle Play activities with 6 different activities developed over a whole year. Zazzle Play is the foundation for grounding user’s creativity & tackling users’ most challenging creative barrier. And then in the final release, integrate the tools and platform with the new navigation design which is the most crucial element of Zazzle Play to unify the tools and platform.

Future Potential

Stronger brand identity

Zazzle’s heart and soul believes in everyone being creative and Zazzle Play has the potential to be a vital asset in promoting the creative brand identity.

Competitive Advantage

Zazzle’s position in the competitive landscape can become even stronger as it will become a true leader in the custom-product based marketplaces. After all, empowering their users’ creativity enhances their users ability to create more delightful and meaningful custom-products.